[Sigia-l] Google Maps

Miguel Arroz arroz at guiamac.com
Thu Feb 10 13:03:35 EST 2005


> Well, you might use Mappy, I use www.multimap.com, which I find better,
> mainly because I can throw just about anything into the initial search
> and it'll usually get me what I need. That's not the case with Mappy,
> which has much less flexible criteria - it doesn't find anything if I
> use just a UK post code, for example (and also doesn't warn me that it
> needs a full address).

   Well, it missed my street! :-) Also, you cannot drag the map arround, 
like in mappy or google maps.

> Also, I'd question their UX decision to have an "itinerary" form next 
> to
> a "map" form. Does everyone naturally understand the word "itinerary"
> (what's wrong with "directions")? I'd combine the two into one form 
> with
> an option to get directions to another address along the way.

   Well, that's a matter of language... I'm portuguese, and I think 
itinerary is a better word that directions (itinerary transaltes 
directly to "itinerário", witch is immediately understood as the path 
to follow from your start point to the destination). Directions does 
not have a direct translation, so some people also translate it by 
itinerário, others translate by "morada", that means address. I don't 
know about native english speakers.

   Also, I don't see the problem in having the itinerary (or directions, 
for that matter) as an option right on the first page. For me, the 
first time I used mappy it was really obvious that I could see where 
something is, or that I could ask how to go from here to somewhere 
else. It was not obvious at all how to do it on google maps.


Miguel Arroz

       "I felt like putting a bullet between
        the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't
        scr*w to save its species."       -- Fight Club

   Miguel Arroz - arroz at guiamac.com - http://guiamac.com/bagos

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