[Sigia-l] Google Maps

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Wed Feb 9 08:38:56 EST 2005

On Feb 9.2005, at 00:39, Andrew Boyd wrote:

> whatever else might be said of maps.google.com, it is a heap faster 
> than http://whereis.com is for Australia, that is for sure :)
> I was chuckling at some of the place names (Fredonia Kansas was my 
> favourite)  but then I thought what non-Aussies might make of place 
> names here like Warrawong, Kanahooka, Hell, Mount Horrible, and of 
> course, Gulargumbone. :)

And substantially easier to use than MapQuest, which frustrates me 
every time.

Go to the Mapquest.com home page and try and find an address in 
Vancouver, BC. The state doesn't exist.

Of course it doesn't - it's in Canada.

Now go to Google Maps and type in "Mountain Equipment Co-op, Vancouver"


That may even work if you leave the Vancouver off.

The only reason I use MapQuest is because it's integrated with Apple's 
address book.

The biggest thing I don't like about Google Maps is that the world is 
much bigger than North America (although North America is certainly 
bigger than my world, for the most part.)
Skot Nelson
skot at penguinstorm.com

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