[Sigia-l] RE: Maximum time for completing a task

Jay Luker jay.luker at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 12:19:06 EST 2005

The ACM digital library has been a great source of research like this
for me. http://portal.acm.org for info.

I will say this: you should always try to have the complexity of the
interface in accordance with the complexity of the task. Breaking
things up into a wizard style series of smaller forms != reduced
complexity and might even increase it if it makes it difficult for the
user to maintain a mental representation of what the system is doing.

Jay L.

(p.s. sorry for the double message, Geri. I have problems remembering
to hit Reply All)

On 12/8/05, Geri Modell <GMODELL at lds.com> wrote:
> I would also like to know if anyone is aware of research/studies done to
> determine - for a complex task-oriented application - the max # of
> features or tasks that should be placed on each page.  Is it best to
> condense many tasks onto one page, or better to have users click their
> way thru a series of simpler pages, each w/one task?  Thanks!

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