[Sigia-l] Netiquette

Andrew andrew at friendlymanual.com
Wed Aug 17 20:04:52 EDT 2005

Listera wrote:

>There's nothing "unfortunate" about it. It's a blessing that some people
>passionately advocate their POVs. If you don't agree with them it's
>incumbent upon you to examine and criticize their approach/answers. Don't
>complain if you are unable or unwilling to do that.
I concur with my learned colleague... it is the Nerdly Way: Make a 
declaritive/definitive statement and you'd better be prepared to back it 
up with facts and a structured argument to support them. I cannot think 
of any office I have ever worked in that had more than a smattering of 
engineers and coders that was ever any different, going back more than 
20 years.

It is hard to seperate an attack on an opinion from a personal attack. 
I've seen debates here degenerate to "I don't like your face" slanging, 
which is unfortunate, but overall I believe that vigorous debate is what 
keeps me reading this list despite working an average 15 hour day.  That 
and the "now THIS is cool" announcements :)

Best regards, Andrew Boyd

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