[Sigia-l] [ANN] Adobe FrameMaker Chautauqua 2005: FrameMaker Users From Around the Globe Convene in November

Scott Abel abelsp at netdirect.net
Thu Aug 11 15:09:50 EDT 2005

For immediate release:

Adobe FrameMaker Chautauqua 2005: FrameMaker Users From Around the 
Globe Convene in November

Raleigh, North Carolina – The Adobe® FrameMaker® 2005 Chautauqua™, the 
conference for users of Adobe’s powerful enterprise authoring and 
publishing software FrameMaker, will be held November 7-9, 2005 in 
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. The three-day event – dubbed “chautauqua” 
or traveling educational show -- is expected to attract hundreds of 
FrameMaker users, consultants, educators, as well as vendors of 
FrameMaker companion products, from around the globe. Presenters will 
share experiences, best practices, strategies, tips, and tricks with 
fellow users and provide hands-on workshops designed to provide 
attendees with practical knowledge they can use when they return to 
work. Vendors will provide product demonstrations in the exhibition 

Hundreds of thousands of technical writers, editors, educators, and 
engineers rely on Adobe FrameMaker software to create and deliver 
content traditional word processors are ill-equipped to handle. 
Chautauqua attendees will learn new-and-improved ways to take advantage 
of FrameMaker’s powerful structured authoring and publishing 
capabilities in tandem with Extensible Markup Language (XML) with or 
without a content management system. Other presentations will address 
the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), translation, single 
sourcing, multi-channel publishing, indexing, dynamic publishing, 
template documentation and maintenance, S1000D and more.

The keynote will be given by Adobe FrameMaker Product Group Manager, 
Karl Matthews, and will address the future of FrameMaker. A second 
presentation will be delivered on day two by Matthews, along side other 
Adobe Systems representatives, and will highlight how Adobe uses 
FrameMaker internally to produce an deliver the company’s own 
structured content. Featured presenter and FrameMaker guru Bernard 
Aschwanden will provide real-world insight into using XML with 
FrameMaker, while featured presenter and FrameMaker maven, Lynne A. 
Price, will demystify FrameMaker templates.

Case studies from FrameMaker users at T-Mobile, US Airways, MidAtlantic 
Airways, and Bright Path Solutions, as well as hands-on workshops and 
product demonstrations -- including Quadralay® WebWorks Publisher® -- 
will round out the event.

Complete event details, including registration, sponsorship and 
exhibition information, are available at 

Media Contact:
Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler
941-359-3614 -- abelsp at netdirect.net

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