[Sigia-l] Re: Dual-Audience Sites

Elizabeth Fuller ZilF at leapinliz.com
Fri Oct 1 19:20:11 EDT 2004

Steve Mulder wrote:

 > Current favorite home page, with world-class information architecture:
 > http://www.fsa.usda.gov/haynet/

Just one nitpicky problem with this one.  As a user presented with the 
choice "Need Hay" or "Have Hay" on the front page, I'd click whichever 
category I fit into (e.g. if I needed hay, I'd click on "Need Hay"). But 
that takes me to a list of ads posted by others just like me...instead 
of ads posted *for* people like me (in other words, I might need hay, 
but I get sent to a page of ads from others who also need hay, not 
people who have hay, which is what I was really looking for).

Since there are only two choices, I can easily back out and pick the 
other one once I've realized "my" mistake (though was it really mine?). 
  If a site were built for a more fractured audience, however -- say six 
choices instead of two -- that kind of labeling problem could be really 
annoying.  So how would you overcome it - label the categories in a way 
that more clearly specifies content instead of audience, such as "Need 
Hay Ads" and "Have Hay Ads"?


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