[Sigia-l] translating taxonomies

Peter Van Dijck peter at poorbuthappy.com
Mon Nov 8 05:04:14 EST 2004

Listera wrote:

> Do you foresee a difference between translation and translation of
> taxonomies? 

Yes. Tranlation is complex enough as it is, but translating taxonomies 
is worse. In a taxonomy, every label has been carefully crafted. In a 
classic translation you don't translate word for word - it's a creative 
profession and the translator's job is to translate the meaning of what 
is being said. You can see how translating a taxonomy (consisting of 
individual words/labels) can be difficult. Some words change meaning in 
translation. Some categories are hard to translate. I'm trying to get a 
good understanding of the issues, but yes, I expect there to be a 
difference between these 2 types of translation.



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