[Sigia-l] IA for non-web based projects

Dave dheller at gmail.com
Thu May 13 09:39:02 EDT 2004

Hi Todd,

I think the general concepts of 
User Experience Design
Experience Design
User-Centered Design
Interaction Design
IA (little or big)

All play a part some way in most media.

the question I think you need to ask is at what level would these
additions make or not make a difference compared to the current
I.e. for film, video, tv that is non-interactive the difference would
be very minimal (IMHO), but if that film, video, tv is to be
integrated into a more cohesive experience w/ web, iTV, product
design, etc. then it might do good to have some core concepts,
especially around general experience building.

For other media that are information based, I think that IA has a lot
to offer generally to help people with their understanding about how
information is consumed and re-used. this 2nd part (re-use) is
probably the biggest area that is still ignored in most IA but is
probably the most important piece b/c it answers the question "why do
I need the information in the first place?"

Anyway, that's my short response.

-- dave

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