[Sigia-l] Five questions about the future of this community

Sarah Brodwall sjb at broadpark.no
Fri Mar 12 09:46:46 EST 2004

At Friday, 12/03/2004  15:28, david_fiorito at vanguard.com wrote:
>3. No.  Trolls kill threads thus discouraging new threads from forming.
>The only answer to a troll is the presence of a moderator.


Uff.  Let's put things in perspective here--there are no trolls on this 
list.  There are a few people here who could exhibit better manners, but 
this list is -incredibly- tame in comparison to...well...pretty much all 
the other lists I've ever been on, ever.  Even though people's tempers 
flare occasionally, people are remarkably good at keeping things on-topic 
(with the exception of this particular thread!).

As someone else so eruditely mentioned, the best way of making sure that 
the tone of the list remains pleasant is to re-read your post before 
sending it to ensure that nothing you write can be misconstrued.  I'd also 
like to add that it's smart to re-read your post, thinking about how it 
would make -you- feel if it were a response to something you'd written.  I 
don't think any other steps are necessary--I think the mods here do a very 
good job.

Now.  When was that group hug scheduled again?

Sarah Brodwall                     Time you enjoy wasting is not
sjb at broadpark.no                   wasted time.    ~T. S. Eliot 

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