[Sigia-l] In defence of Ziya ... WAS Re[2]: Let's be helpful...

Mike Brown mike at signify.co.nz
Wed Mar 10 15:58:52 EST 2004

Over the past 3-4 years I've lurked on this list, and in general found
it a very valuable resource. I've also been a little more active on
the webdesign-L list. Ziya has posted on both.

My attitude towards his postings has undergone an 180 degree reversal.
At first I got annoyed by how often he posted, his tone, the (what I
then saw as) nitpicking he engaged in.

Over time, and especially on this list, I've turned completely around
in my estimation. To my mind, Ziya presents a pretty consistent worldview -
knowlegeable, skeptical, practical and, yes, helpful.

Yes he posts a lot. Surely more a reflection on the frequency of
others posting?

Yes he's often pedantic, calls people on what they mean by the words
they use, and defends himself to the death :) Mostly that's good!
Words are often used too loosely.

And, finally, yes he does seem prepared to challenge accepted
"truths", practices, standards and the use of Visio. I enjoy that from
him. I may not agree. I may not understand. But I invariably know more
after the debate has happened.

If people are too scared to post, or not prepared to defend views, or
want reinforcement and acceptance rather than constructive criticism,
then that's their problem rather than the lists. Harden up a little!

And no, I'm not at all, and ever, defending personal attacks on the

Listera> An undeclared and what can only be a tiny but vocal fraction of the total
Listera> population of this list has apparently asked the list moderator to muzzle me
Listera> by singling me out for special posting approval.

What does the above mean? That you have to get approval to post???

Anyways, I'm much more interested in IA than debating how the list
works/should work, and the actions of certain people on it, but I did
feel I should speak up with my opinion that Ziya's presence makes this
a much more valuable list.

Mike Brown

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