[Sigia-l] streaming video, players & IA

Livia Labate liv at livlab.com
Thu Jul 22 17:55:24 EDT 2004

Hello Sigialers,   (x-posting AIfIA, experiencedesign)

Does anybody here have any research or anecdotes about working out the IA
for streaming video applications, specifically video players in web pages
(not stand-alone applications)? I'm interested in both the interaction model
(player functions & metaphors) and navigation (content categorization &
navigation layout). In this last item I'm specially curious about
scalability issues*.

On a related topic, could you send me your favourite online video
experiences (streaming, non-streaming). I'm particularly interested in video
converted into flash, but any video will do - specially if you can tell me
why it's a bad/good experience**.

* Most video players are just "players", they don't have any built-in
content navigation so I haven't seen that many examples to compare.

** I'm looking for good/bad experiences in terms of the interaction not the
content. For example: "I really dislike Audible.com's player because when I
bookmark where I stopped listening to a book, I can't make a note or
anything to remind myself where I was. The only indicator is a tiny bar
showing that point on a duration status bar".


Livia Labate
liv at livlab.com > http://livlab.com < http://aifia.org

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