[Sigia-l] New RSS feed: taxonomies & other topics

Jean Graef jean.graef at montague.com
Thu Jan 22 11:48:17 EST 2004

The Montague Institute Review Digest is now available as a RSS news feed
(see http://www.montague.com/abstracts/digest.html). Digest items are
selected from a wide range of publications and Web sites. Topics include:

Authoring & editing
Case studies
Content management
Enterprise knowledge management
Learning & education
Personal knowledge management

Research & searching
Taxonomies & metadata
Trends & strategies
Usability & user behavior

Enjoy with our compliments. If you don't like news feeds, you can sign up
for monthly alerts at http://www.montaguelab.com/Registration/signup.htm


PS -- See also our calendar at http://www.montague.com/content/calendar.html
for upcoming seminars in Metadata Management and Taxonomy Maintenance.
Jean Graef
Montague Institute

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