[Sigia-l] Usability Profession Increasingly Under Scrutiny?

Lord, Ralph rsl3 at cdc.gov
Tue Jan 13 10:16:55 EST 2004

> "Todd R. Warfel" wrote:
> > I read an article the other day stating that only 20% of IT 
> projects 
> > come in on-time, or on-budget. And over 60% of IT projects fail. 
> > That's pretty sad. We should be able to deliver some 
> measurable value 
> > that improves those numbers.

And of those projects that failed, "usability" could have prevented
about 0.087% of them. The failure becomes inevitable way before any
"usability" work could be done.  That's "usability" of the 3 books and a
video type.  However, there were lots of those projects that would have
stood a better chance if some conceptual/design work had actually been
done (that is, as clear a picture as possible was drawn of the intended
outcome and that picture was communicated to all parties as early as
possible so that everyone understood where they were going). But hey,
that would require someone to act as an "architect" to the "contractors"
building the thing instead of just pointing the "contractors" at an
empty lot and saying "uh, build me something, just like I want (no, I
can't really tell you what I want, there's no time) and build it really

Ralph Lord

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