[Sigia-l] Can UI designers kill people?

Dave Collins DCollins at phoenix-interactive.com
Mon Jan 12 09:39:51 EST 2004

>Programming, UI design, IA Design, etc. are skills, and in many companies,
sometimes there is a need to combine skills of a couple of these because the
company and/or department are so small, and I personally feel that many
programmers should be skilled in UI design, to realize how their solutions
function in real world environments, and how to design as such. People whose
skill sets are in silos may be good for specialized situations and large
teams, but most of us aren't working in large teams, I would suppose.

Sure makes it hard to find a job in this monster.com keyword-search age
though. I'm always being told "specialize, specialize, specialize", "focus,
focus, focus". I've got design, programming and usability experience, but
I'd have to luck out to find a place that will hire across more than one


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