[Sigia-l] Richard Saul Wurman: The InfoDesign interview

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Sat Jan 3 12:37:09 EST 2004


WI> DK: You coined the term 'information architecture' back in 1976 at
WI> the AIA National Convention. Talk a little about the rationale and
WI> process that led to choosing that term. 
WI> RSW: The common term then was 'information design'. What got
WI> confusing was information design and interior design and
WI> industrial design, at that moment and still today in many and most
WI> people's minds, are about making something look good.  
WI> Information design was epitomized by which map looked the best -
WI> not which took care of a lot of parallel systemic parts. That is
WI> what I thought 'architecture' did and was a clearer word that had
WI> to do with systems that worked and performed.  

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