[OT] Re: [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?

Christina Wodtke cwodtke at eleganthack.com
Fri Feb 13 14:57:08 EST 2004

or about the box...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Listera" <listera at rcn.com>
To: "SIGIA-L" <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?

> "Arthur Fink" wrote:
> > thinking OUTSIDE the box...
> What's wrong with INSIDE the box?
> ----
> Ziya
> Only the mediocre are always at their best.
> ------------
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