[Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?

Sean Lawrence slawrence at lucidvagary.com
Thu Feb 12 14:56:23 EST 2004

I think you might be crossing the line in to some skethcy territory with 
a question like that and extending the purpose of your original 
question.  It's entirely a matter of speculation as to what might "allow 
some to 'see' the  interconnectedness...".  Psychologists , Cognitive 
Scientists, and Neurosciences study matters such as this.  What is 
important to this list, and profession, is to identify the qualities 
that make someone a competent IA. 

You're getting yourself in to another whole area of inquiry expanding 
the question like that.  Who knows!  It could be a genetic trait, one 
that is a combination of learned behavior, perhaps a cognitive trait.  A 
kid from a 3rd world country might have the ability to "see" because 
they have made a habit of making connections between disparate elements 
because it was important to their survivial but is that really 
relevant?  I personally don't think so.  Though, I do look forward to 
Ziya's response nonetheless :)

Indeed, it is a good conversation so far.

Laurie Gray wrote:

>Ziya, to your point: In your opinion, what qualities allow some people
>to "see" the interconnectedness and design direction of wireframes AND
>communicate that (if that is what makes them good IA's), and what
>prevents others from doing so?
>Great discussions so far!

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