[Sigia-l] Suggesting a site to Yahoo

Mike Brown mike at signify.co.nz
Sun Dec 12 17:43:17 EST 2004

so, I just went to suggest a site to the Yahoo directory - the "standard 
- free!" version - and it appears I need to have a Yahoo ID and password 
to do so.

At the bottom of the "suggest a site" page, there is this:
"To continue, click the button below.
If you are not signed in, we will ask you to sign in with your Yahoo! ID 
and password." just above the "continue" button. And sure enough, 
"continue" takes you to the Yahoo login page. I don't have a Yahoo ID, 
so didn't continue.

Of course the information page on adding a site:
doesn't mention you need an Yahoo ID to do so.

If this something new? If so, surely it's going to increase the speed of 
Yahoo's irrelevancy?


Mike Brown

SIGNIFY LTD :: the logic behind

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