[Sigia-l] Pillars of Ergonomics

Dave dheller at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 15:56:04 EDT 2004

> Do IAs need to understand the datastream underpinnings of GSM, GPS,
> and UMTS in order to do their job? I simply don't think so. Will
> knowledge of HTML help me decide if something should be placed in the
> second or third tier of a hierarchy? Or whether the menu should have
> six or seven choices? I'm sorry, it simply doesn't.

Ah! I get our difference. It is about what an IA does. Ya see, since I
barely ever do little IA, I'm usually thinking about big IA, which
IMHO is just UX. That being said, Big IA includes UI Design and
Interaction Design which IMHO requires much closer understanding of
the palette that developers use in order to make a bigger difference.

I do think though that understanding concepts of technology help
better generally understand concepts of use. - dave

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