[Sigia-l] Pillars of Ergonomics

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Tue Apr 20 15:50:26 EDT 2004

Hi Ziya,

You're absolutely right about there being a markup language of some
sort. My point to David was merely that you don't need to know a
specific language, such as HTML, to be an IA - a standpoint with
which both you and he clearly disagree.

In our case, we were working on a touch-screen interface for taxis
involving booking, credit-card verification, receipt generation, and
navigation. Over a dozen separate databases were involved.

Our task was to suggest interface and structural changes to an
existing system in order to reduce the number of fender-benders.
(Livia's right - tactile is the way to go - unless you need to read
an address. We incorporated sound alerts to supplement basic
on-screen confirmations. Voice recognition, as an input device, was
out of the question since foreign-born drivers speak oddly-accented
Danish and cars are shared by several drivers over any given 24-hour

Do IAs need to understand the datastream underpinnings of GSM, GPS,
and UMTS in order to do their job? I simply don't think so. Will
knowledge of HTML help me decide if something should be placed in the
second or third tier of a hierarchy? Or whether the menu should have
six or seven choices? I'm sorry, it simply doesn't.  


eric reiss
e-reiss aps
copenhagen, denmark
office: (+45) 39 29 67 77
mobile: (+45) 20 12 88 44

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