[Sigia-l] RE: Web Standards and I.A.s

Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com
Wed Apr 7 00:24:54 EDT 2004

Christina said:
> Nothing to do with information architecture; a lot to do with 

This was my first reaction to the question as well.  On further 
reflection, I think that Web Standards have about as much (or less) to 
do with Information Architecture *for Web sites* as electrical building 
codes have to do with building a home - they may have some impact on 
small aspects of a design (e.g. location of navigation or interaction 
design of nav bars).  I think most aspects of an information system's 
(or application's) IA aren't affected by Web Standards though.  Things 
like taxonomy, labeling systems, metadata and search systems general 
aren't addressed or impacted by Web Standards - in my experience.  Also 
keep in mind Web Standards are only for Web...



Lyle Kantrovich
User Experience Architect

Croc O' Lyle - Personal Commentary on usability, information 
architecture and design.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." 
	- Leonardo da Vinci

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