[Sigia-l] Internationalization

jon at spin.ie jon at spin.ie
Wed Sep 24 09:57:33 EDT 2003

Derek R <derekr at derekrogerson.com> wrote :

> ..| Purple is bad luck in many parts of the world
> Purple isn't bad luck. It is just a strong emotional color which evokes
> numerous/ambiguous meanings (ie. it is not as simple as clear blue or
> distinct as black/white).

Purple has been used as a colour of equality, and this use by Feminists (going back to the green and purple sashes worn by Suffragettes) and lesbian activists has lead it to be associated with women in any political or semi-political context, which personally makes me think of it as a very positive colour.

I can think of negative connotations held by one group or another for black, white, green, blue, orange, yellow and red (some of these being matters of tabu rather than negative per se - they were good colours but only certain people were allowed to use them). This doesn't leave you with much to work with (and certain combinations of colours would have connotations as well).

Perhaps including colours as items subject to localisation might be an idea.

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