[Sigia-l] Arrows and Sort Order

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Oct 9 05:12:51 EDT 2003

"Salvador Pardo" wrote:

> I think that it doesn't matter so much whether the user will interpret the
> arrow as descencing or ascencing first time, the point is to encourage them
> to interact with the arrow for them to be able to order any results list as
> they need. As soon as they press the triangle or icon they will perceive the
> action behind it learnig how to use it.

Only if the data is locally cached, and page reload and/or a trip to the
database is not the result of the click.

I once had to look into the face of a UI designer in utter disbelief when
she specced this very behavior without understanding the consequences of
clicking a sort button on a live data display (financial app) where the
backend was tied to a 3 terabyte database. The DB admin wasn't too keen on
this 'usability enhancement' being exercised incessantly by the users, to
say the least.:-)

Nullius in Verba 

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