[Sigia-l] Spell-checkers

Paul Ford ford at ftrain.com
Wed Nov 26 09:17:57 EST 2003

> This won't do exactly what you want out of the box in a point and
> click manner, but I *think* you can use it to write a script that
> will do what you want.

Yep: it has a perl interface.


The interface allows you to feed Aspell a word, return suggestions,
and so forth. So you'll need to write wrapper code to split your
document into individual words, then pass them off to Aspell, but once
you've done that you can make a list, etc. I've been looking at it as
a way to do a first-pass cleanup of muddy OCR output.



paul ford // words: http://ftrain.com // work: http://copywire.com

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