[Sigia-l] wording / icon convention suggestions ?

Hilary Marsh hilary at contentcompany.biz
Fri May 9 11:04:44 EDT 2003


I don't think there are many wording conventions out there -- I've 
seen "play it again," "start over," "replay" and others that I can't 
think of now. I've also seen icons that look like stereo equipment -- 
arrows, stop and pause buttons.

IMO, whatever you use is okay, as long as they're clear to your audience.

Suggestion/request: since this list is the most central gathering of 
the IA/content/UX community, if you do any research into various 
sites and what they're using, why not compile the results and post 
them to the list?


At 8:55 AM -0500 5/9/03, Cynthia Ramlo wrote:
>Are there any conventional icons or wording for a "play again", or "start"
>button in flash movies?
>I am designing a flash model of a 5 step process. At the end of this
>process, I have a button that allows the user to start again--which in
>this case means returning to a short opening and not simply returning to
>step 1.
>If anyone has suggestions for wordings or icons, I would really appreciate
>hearing them. I have thought of the browser "refresh" icons, and
>controllers for audio/video, but neither of these options seems quite

Hilary Marsh
content company inc
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