[Sigia-l] Usability Testing comments from Giga

Thomas Vander Wal list at vanderwal.net
Thu Mar 27 14:44:34 EST 2003

Listera wrote:

>>(b) The religion of "never assuming" and "testing every decision"
>>psychologically hampers a lot of IAs from standing firm behind their
>>expert recommendations.
>I agree.
>We had several threads on this issue here over the past two years, so I
>won't rehash it. But, if every decision an IA makes has to be tested, one
>inevitably has to question the value brought to the table.
Cute, but no.  This would mean that software developers that test every 
application, object, and occasionally every line of code would not have 
value.  The testing helps build confidence, but also show that we have 
provable concepts.  Since much of what we do is to be used by user's who 
have differing values it is a must that we test.  Anywhere there are 
human users interfacing with human created products we should test as 
humans are volitile and fallable.

All the best,

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