[Sigia-l] RE: first principals

Philip Hall philipnhall at telus.net
Fri Mar 14 12:29:07 EST 2003

On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 10:46 PM, Clifton Evans at Infostyling 
> You are right. In my humble opinion. IA is about retrieval.
> Except.. when..
> 1b. Information Architecture is primarily concerned with Information 
> Dissemination.
The idea that "IA is about retrieval" even when, as in my case, most of 
my work for clients is to help them to disseminate their info might be 
a result of one small victory. Many of the orgs I work for seem to have 
absorbed the notion that getting their information out there is no use 
if no one can find it or use it. So, in that way, their dissemination 
is someone else's retrieval and without that retrieval the 
dissemination is of no value.


Philip Hall

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