[Sigia-l] Breadcrumbs - case study (maybe OT)

Beau Lebens beau at dentedreality.com.au
Tue Mar 11 18:04:59 EST 2003

[warning - somewhat abstract, slightly OT]

This is another issue that I am tackling in a project that I am working on
at the moment which involves presenting an interface for an online

As a metaphor - in your normal file navigation system (i.e. Windows
Explorer), you open a directory and are presented with a listing of files
and other directories *within* that directory. This gives you a linear,
direct path from one point to another (thus the simple ability to provide a
full path to a file on your computer like C:\files\directory\stuff\file.ext)

In our discussions here so far, my metaphorical file (any particular page on
a site) may actually exist in multiple directories
(classifications/categories). This is outside any normal metaphor that is
used in computer interaction - which is part of the reason I think we are
struggling with it a little.

In my situation, I have had to actually settle for indicating only 1 level
of wayfinding indicators from any specific point - all 'up' and all 'down'
options, but only to one level (consider up or down, allowing multiple
locations - you can very quickly have a long list of possible navigation

I am definitely not saying that this is an ideal solution, and am in fact
looking for a better solution still, considering offering 2 levels 'up' at
least, to provide more context for the current item(s).

Just thought I'd throw that one out there to stir up the discussion a little
more :)


//  -----Original Message-----
//  From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On Behalf Of
//  joe
//  Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2003 12:22 AM
//  To: sigia-l at asis.org
//  Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] Breadcrumbs - case study
//  I'm wondering, in specific reaction to Ziya's note about "place
//  where" (my emendation), if a wayfinding path can work for a
//  faceted architecture? That is, does a product page I'm looking
//  at exists within a linear hierarchy of Home > Computers >
//  Desktops > G4 > Mirrored Front or does it exist in Home >
//  Graphic Design > Hardware or does it exist in Home > Web Design
//  > something or other...?
//  So, in a faceted approach to IA, would I have to show the
//  actual path taken (true breadcrumb) or would I be able to show
//  a wayfinding path (place where I am in relation to where this
//  page exists)? I'm not sure--any comments would be helpful.
//  joe
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