[Sigia-l] announcing the launch of the AIfIA Job Board

Louis Rosenfeld lou at louisrosenfeld.com
Fri Jun 20 12:10:45 EDT 2003

On 6/20/03 11:50 AM, "Sean Lawrence" <slawrence at lucidvagary.com> wrote:

>> The only requirement for signing up is that they join AIfIA.
> And spend 40 bucks for a service that isn't guaranteed to deliver?
> Personally, not for me.  I'll rely on personal networks and free job boards.

Sean, I'm really not sure what service *would* guarantee your next job.  I'd
be pretty shocked if you found one on a free service like Monster; their IA
positions are a lot different than what most people on this list would
typically look for.  The personal network will be a lot more useful for you,
for sure; in fact, getting involved with AIfIA could actually do a lot to
expand your personal network.

And not to open up the entire discussion of what value AIfIA is delivering,
but you'll get much more than a job board for your 40 bucks.

Sigh.  Here we go again...

Anyway, thanks to Samantha and the others who volunteered their time and
effort to get this up and running.  I've been dreaming about a job board
since ACIA days, so I'm personally thrilled and thankful to see that she and
her colleagues have made this a reality.



Louis Rosenfeld :: information architecture
     consulting :: http://www.louisrosenfeld.com
        seminar :: http://louisrosenfeld.com/presentations/seminars/eia/

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