[Sigia-l] Info Architects BANNED IN OHIO

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Jun 10 15:20:56 EDT 2003

"Smokey Lynne L Bare" wrote:

> Ohio's board for landscape and construction architect certification is trying
> to use a 1990 Ohio Revised Code law preventing anyone in the IT field using
> the word architect related to their job description.

When I often mention here "definitions" as the beginning of the slippery
slope to licensing (on the one hand, censorship on the other), I wasn't
thinking of a bunch of old geezers in Ohio, but, hey, it had to start
somewhere :-) 

I'm curious as to what the penalties are if your job requirements do
include, say, information architect? Is there a precedent in Ohio for one
group of professionals being prevented from or punished for using the
nomenclature claimed by another group?

Nullius in Verba 

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