[Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes

Peter Boersma peter.boersma at ezgov.com
Tue Jul 22 05:09:35 EDT 2003

Eric asked:
> [...] have we talked about using prototypes as a means of testing how
> the business processes or business models will be impacted?

If the presentation of a prototype is the first time anyone starts
*thinking* about how their business process or model will be impacted,
you're in deep trouble :-)

But you mention *testing*, so I assume someone must have set requirements
that the prototype can be tested against. This is a good moment to test
wether the prototype meets the business requirements, assuming they have
been stated in a way that can be measured (and not "the system must be easy
to use").

Situations I've been in where a prototype showed business impact:
- showing content managers a prototype of a site's content management system
helped them estimate the time they would need to maintain the sections they
would be responsible for.
- showing a client how an (unsolicited) redesign of a registration/login
procedure could ease the registration process, thereby increasing the
chances of uptake considerably.

Peter Boersma, Senior Information Architect, EzGov
"De Schinkel", Rijnsburgstraat 11, Amsterdam, 1059 AT, The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)20 7133881 / Fax: +31(0)20 7133799 / Mobile: +31(0)6 15072747
mailto:peter.boersma at ezgov.com / http://www.europe.ezgov.com

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