[Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!

Todd R.Warfel lists at mk27.com
Fri Jul 18 08:44:55 EDT 2003

DW, no question. FP is a bastardized WYSIWYG program that inserts all 
kinds of proprietary, non-standard HTML.

You can argue that it's just a prototype and you'll be throwing it 
away. But with DW, which is more of an environment than a WYSIWYG 
editor, you can produce standards based prototypes and learn how to 
build real standards based products. Not to mention, there's a whole 
world of extensions out there for DW which increase productivity (see 
Macromedia's Exchange) and it's pretty much "the" standard. Yes, there 
are others that are used, but they hold the market, which in this case 
isn't a bad thing.


Todd R. Warfel

Message first: a user experience consultancy
User Experience Architect
[P] (607) 339-9640
[E]  twarfel at messagefirst.com
[w] http://www.messagefirst.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In reality, they are not.

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 12:14 PM, <prai at prady.com> wrote:

> 3. Is there any survey/pool, any logic to suggest which one is
> better/ethical/moral tool - 'Microsoft FrontPage' and 'Macromedia
> Dreamweaver'???

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