[Sigia-l] remote card sort studies

Janice James janice at simplyusable.com
Thu Jul 3 14:55:03 EDT 2003


I've had good success doing remote card sorting studies.  The first one 
was done with EZSort and worked well, but the users were a bit more 
experienced in using such apps.  I've also done simple ones where I 
provided pre-determined categories and had users group the items into 
those categories.  It was a simple Word doc that they filled in and sent 
back to me.

I'm about to conduct two other studies using Web Sort.  It's a simpler, 
web-based version of EZSort that allows you to dump the output into 
EZCalc.   A demo is at www.websort.net.  The developers will customize 
the tool for you based on your needs.  We've had some customization done 
for the specifics of our studies and I think it's going to be great.

The nice thing about remote studies is that you can get more feedback 
from more users in a shorter period of time.  In both studies, we'll be 
offering incentives to all participants (about 30).


Janice James
Simply Usable through Design
janice at simplyusable.com
KY office:  502-231-7085
CA office:  650-858-1468

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