[Sigia-l] Findability

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Tue Jan 28 13:53:56 EST 2003

Thomas wrote:
>| Findability is about the user 
>| being able to find...
>| Findability is a concept to help...
>| If my uncle can not find the information 
>| on a site about car X he will not be interested
>| in car X.  Here the findability or lack of findability
>| of information is a factor.

So what you are saying Thomas, is that if a car dealer drops 10 billion
or so advertising flyers around the city and litters the entire town
until it is *saturated* (fanaticism) with 'information on car X' -- then
the car dealer has a better chance at making a 'sale' ('findability' as
a factor).

That is it, isn't it?

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