Evolt style tips? was [Sigia-l] moderation (of various sorts)

Peter VanDijck pvandijck at lds.com
Wed Jan 22 11:31:31 EST 2003

> > I have hosted discussions of various sorts, and I have learnt that often
> > at some point, moderation is nessecary. Group dynamics - no way around
> > it.
> Is that an infallible law or an opinion?
> > Let him be the benevolent dictator - this group needs one right now.

I take back my words. Evolt indeed is a shining example of self
moderation. We can do manage that! Question: anyone want to copy the
evolt tip system, where an off topic post requires an on-topic tip? I
feel it keeps people on-topic to see these reminders.

<tip type="intranet consulting">
A taxonomy management process (who updates, who owns the taxonomy, how
is it managed?) needs to fit within whatever governance model the
company currently has for content on their website. If that model is
broken you may have a hard time implementing an effective taxonomy
management process.

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