[Sigia-l] "Buy your way to the top of the job-seeker pile"

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Mon Jan 20 16:52:35 EST 2003

>>| What is wrong with information
>>| being findable?
>| Depends on whether what you found
>| is any good or not.

Yes, Mr. Hanna, that is right. And to the rest, how many times do we
have to travel this road? The Web is a *user-driven* medium -- it is not

"We do not seek or desire something
 because it is good. We deem a thing
 good because we seek or desire it." -->
* http://www.useit.com/alertbox/whyscanning.html 

'Findability' proceeds under the mechanism ('ism') of competition. More
and more is better with 'findability,' in that it invites the
*burlesque* (useless additions leading to homogenization) in the same
way 'keyword' metadata does. 'Findability' has no concern for true
definition/distinction of information -- its only concern is to become a
larger piece-of-the-pie (an 'end').

Nobody is saying that it is incorrect for a user to try and 'find'
something. It is just that 'findability' offers *no consideration* of
the user. Its only concern is in the *singular end* of being 'findable'
-- the 'sale' of itself. This practice is both narrow and useless in
terms of Information Architecture. In fact, one might as well call it
what it is -- namely, 'Marketing.'

"We Fill In the Gap" -->

You see John, the definition/distinction of information ('meaning') is
never given by a *particular* signifier, but is an outcome of
'differences' between various signifiers (Perception, Being,
Arrangement). Signification depends on the 'semantic context' in which
it finds itself. In other words, since the meaning of a signifier
depends on which other signifiers it is surrounded by, and since
signifiers are constantly moving between different semantic contexts,
the meaning of a signifier is always deferred and unfinished, remaining
*open,* so that the 'process of signification' is *never* brought to an
end. The world is not experienced in terms of 'reified' objects and
events, but in terms of differences, and *difference* is 'dimensionless'
and cannot be reified -- that is to say, difference cannot be *made*

So you see, 'findability' is really just a clear-cut case of one keeping
their 'eyes-on-the-ball,' and in so doing, neglecting the overall
*developing* play. In other words, IAs must completely abandon these
attempts to *make* the user believe:    

"We no want no devil philosophy" -->

"one Love"

Fighting against ism and skism

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