[Sigia-l] Web Guideline/Style Guide creation

prady prai at prady.com
Mon Jan 13 15:10:29 EST 2003

Hi there,

After couple of years of efforts in 'UI design' and 'Usability' with my
current employers, we have come to a point to build some kind of
'Guidelines' for maintaining usability and consistancy. The interface we
build is for
'web/browser based' application. I wish to seek opinion on the following
matters -

1. Is there any recomendation regarding 'Style and Structure' for
'Guidelines' for web based applications
2. Is there anything in the world which can tell us, what to comment and
what not to? What makes a 'guideline' and what is simply an 'personal
3. Is there any tool, which could help creating and managing those. My
mentor forwarded me one pointer - www.guiguide.com Has anybody ever heard
about it?
4. Is the word 'Guideline' makes sence in this regard. I have heard people
arguing this against 'web style guide', what's the difference???

I am looking for anything which could help me in this regard - papers,
examples of 'guidelines/style guides', personal opinions or any pointers. I
have seen 'Apple' and 'Sun' gudelines, so please abstrain from sending them
to me again.


Pradyot Rai
(this is a cross-posting from CHI-WEB to this forum, you can reply me
directly and I can post the summary later, if you prefer.)

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