[Sigia-l] NYC-CHI 29 Jan, 6-8PM: Antenna Design Case Studies/NYC Subway Vending Machines

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Jan 7 20:07:32 EST 2003

On 8/1/03 9:57 AM, "Listera" <listera at rcn.com> wrote:

> Man, you really lower the bar. Why do we not demand a "positive user
> experience" as a base line? I don't expect them to attain it in my lifetime
> but why not set it as a benchmark? When you go into Prada you expect to get
> a "positive user experience" (hopefully, you'll get it :-) what's wrong with
> expecting the same with the subways, given the billions it sucks up? Why
> does it have to be an extra, an afterthought?

For most people, it's a utilitarian service, and not an experience they
actually seek out (eg. like a broadway show, disney rides, prada shopping).
Try telling the millions that use the subway that as of Monday the service
will cost more because it will no longer be satisfying just utilitarian
needs but rather will be attempting to provide a positive user experience
for everyone.


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