[Sigia-l] Why Good Content Must Suck: Designing for the Scent of Information - Jared Spool

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Tue Jan 7 16:02:59 EST 2003

>| Turns out that the content itself has to
>| pull the user to it. *The stronger the pull,* 
>| the more likely the user will find it. 
>| ... Jared discusses how to organize your
>| site to pull users to the right place

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be pushed, or pulled, or
otherwise prodded, thank you very much. That kind of action seems to be
how we treat livestock. The cowboys even have *electric-prods* for that
'strong' pull/push effect you're looking for. 

Yeeeooww! Watch that cow dance!

Wouldn't it be nice if it 'turns out' that the user (themselves)
navigate content? Insight moves sight to the site? (Something like a
green pasture.)

This way your content doesn't have to have a *stronger pull* than your
competitor's content. The content does not require the *inherent need*
to market itself, and we can do without a 'market of marketers' selling
us 'wisdom' on how to market our content.

Instead of pushing and pulling users you could *present,* honestly and
definitively, so that the user is *oriented* and can *choose themselves*
(freedom) which way to go.

Nah. Maybe Information Architecture does *need* to be a marketing
gimmick. It sure would be easier (requiring less ability) than taking
the time to create/form a structure for use (A=A=A). 

And it would be more fun too! -- Think of all the kinds of kewl new
marketing buzzwords we can use to market ourselves and our discipline!
Like 'information scent' and 'findability!'

What a wonderful world it will be! Yeeeooww!

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