[Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"

Victor Lombardi victorlombardi at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 27 22:14:24 EST 2003

Peter Merholz wrote:
"In fact, I would argue that the main reason that CM
tools fail is not because of some inherent problem
with content management, but because businesses do a
poor job of understanding their own requirements."

I'd agree. I'll add that it's difficult to gather
requirements well because the industry is both complex
and immature and therefore hard to understand. Widely
diverse systems are lumped into the category of "CMS,"
and companies could easily buy an enterprise-class
system when something smaller is more suitable. 

Additionally, CMS projects are some of the most
complex web projects many companies undertake,
requiring coordination among disparate departments,
rigorous project management, and multiple
technologies, so it's not surprising that "Sixty-one
percent of the surveyed companies said they still rely
on manual processes to update their Web sites."

I hope as the industry matures we'll start to break
out CMS into its respective categories and possibly
corresponsing products, such as workflow, web content
management, metadata registeries, etc. This might help
companies better match their requirements to products.

I can help you make sense of the situation and design
better IA for CMS at the IA Summit :)
"The (Unfulfilled) Promise of Content Management

Victor Lombardi

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