[Sigia-l] Re: Sitemapping and Macs

CD Evans clifton at infostyling.com
Sun Dec 7 07:46:22 EST 2003

In addition, there is a suite of drawing tools here:


This tool has a project management application integrated into the 
design apps. This is great because they are a lot like an extended 
Visio. They are also horrible because they are like an extended Visio.

You should try these if you are considering 'interactive wireframing 
or 'interactive prototyping':

http://www.tribeworks.com/   -   Object Oriented Authoring

http://www.norpath.com/   -   Visio Style Authoring

http://www.runrev.com/index_uk.html  -   Cross Platform Authoring for 
Light GUI Apps

CD Evans

>From: Eric Scheid <eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au>
>OmniGraffle is a popular choice
>     http://IAwiki.net/OmniGraffle
>though there are others
>     http://IAwiki.net/DiagrammingTools
>it also comes with built in support for JJG's VisVocab
>     http://IAwiki.net/VisVocab

>From: Listera <listera at rcn.com>
>Not knowing what you really want and not being a sitemap fan, I can suggest
>two general purpose web authoring tools Dreamweaver and GoLive. With either
>one, the apps will scan local/remote sites and create link relationships
>automatically for you and update with any changes. You'll get quite
>elaborate maps/diagrams, with a fair amount of customization in
>display/print. If you think they are pricey, however, there's another one on
>the shareware side ($18):
>If you are adventurous, there's OmniGraffle Pro that can import text files
>and generate formatable diagrams automatically.  OG Pro can also read/write
>Visio files and is AppleScriptable.

>From: Todd R.Warfel <lists at mk27.com>
>Probably the most common:
>Adobe Illustrator
>Macromedia Freehand

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