[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Todd R.Warfel lists at mk27.com
Tue Aug 19 13:30:10 EDT 2003

Okay, so, to summarize:

• There are different tool sets.
• Some tool sets are better for hi-fi[1] work, some for low-fi[2].
• Some of us do low-fi.
•  Some of us do low-fi, then hi-fi.
• Some of us go right to hi-fi and bypass low-fi all together.
• Post-it-Notes, paper, index cards, pens, paper, etc. are great for 
• Visio, Illustrator, Freehand, OmniGraffle, ConceptDraw, Inspiration, 
etc. are great for hi-fi.
• There are some standard practices and guidelines, but we should use 
the tools that best helps us accomplish the task at hand.

Personally, I almost always start with paper and pen/pencil, index 
cards, or post-it-notes. Then, after my basic categorization and 
organization model is done, I'll convert it to an Illustrator file. I 
find this method works best for my approach and workflow. I like that 
post-its and whiteboards facilitate group input better. And I like the 
cleanliness of the final deliverable as a PDF, or similar.

[1] Hi-fi is primarily focused on digital technology (e.g. Visio, 
Illustrator, Freehand, Omnigraffle, ConceptDraw, Inspiration), where 
the resulting file is electronic.
[2] Low-fi is primarily focused on analog technologies (e.g. 
Whiteboards, Post-it-Notes, paper, pen, markers), where the resulting 
file is not electronic.
* Yeah, we all know about Mimio, which will give us a digital file of 
an analog process.


Todd R. Warfel

Message first: a user experience consultancy
User Experience Architect
[P] (607) 339-9640
[E]  twarfel at messagefirst.com
[w] http://www.messagefirst.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In reality, they are not.

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