[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Aug 18 00:27:44 EDT 2003

"Marc Rettig" wrote:

> For the electronic tool to be this convenient, it would have to be wired to
> one really huge mama display. For starters.

That would be nice. :-)

This thread reminds me so much of what we all went through with fax. A
decade ago, you couldn't do business without a fax. The ability to scribble
on paper and send it back and forth was thought to be essential, something a
purely digital workflow couldn't possibly duplicate in convenience or
speed. These days, we don't hear much about fax, which was invented in 1843,
more than three decades before the telephone!

(My long-winded anecdote about paper/fax and digital workflow while I was
setting up my first startup must be somewhere in the archives. :-)

Nullius in Verba 

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