[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sun Aug 17 23:40:09 EDT 2003

"Marc Rettig" wrote:

> If you were wondering how something came to be the way it was, you could dig
> back through its layers and read all the stickies representing issues,
> decisions, and "done by Joe mm/dd/yy" stickies. This was *much* more
> accessible than anything on a file server

Why do you say that? There are a variety of digital tools to view
progressive versions of a project, see digital commentary people have made
on those files filtered in many different ways, actually see just the
differences between two version or even merge them, etc. Virtually all
digital production software offer object-level notes/commentary facilities.
Adobe spent quite a bit of time precisely on this issue with Acrobat 6.

Nullius in Verba 

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