[Sigia-l] Re: Large Orgs

Sean Lawrence slawrence at lucidvagary.com
Thu Aug 7 11:57:31 EDT 2003

To paraphrase Cat Stevens: "Oh clue train's sounding louder, Glide on the
clue train..."

It's not that these large companies make you in to a clone, they inhhibit
flexibilty, communication and individual innovation and insight.  After
awhile, you just learn to deal with it or you leave.

> Stewart and Ziya's examples deleted [ ... ]
> Stewart / Ziya - just imagine how effective an agent of change you could
> have been if you'd been on the inside of those monster companies, or do
> think that after a week of working as in "innie" your minds would have
> subverted and you'd just be another corporate clone?
>  - Richard

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