[Sigia-l] Programming IAs was: Little things an IA MUST know/do

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Fri Apr 25 12:04:41 EDT 2003

An excellent point: an HCI course can make computer science students
into better prorgrammers, even if they don't go on to do HCI work. I
suggested this at the end of my post, but in different words. Thanks
for clarifying it so nicely.

However, I don't entirely agree with you that "HCI classes have been
part of computer science curriculums for years."

It depends on the school.

  - In some schools, HCI is taught as early as second year once
    students have basic skills. These schools tend to emphasize the
    role of computing in a larger social and cultural context

  - In other schools HCI is taught only as an optional upper-year
    course. These school tend to a more traditional view of computer
    science: algorithms, operating systems, compilers, and so on.

The CS department at my university is the second type. The HCI class
I taught was a fourth year elective. It is entirely possible to get
a computer science degree here without studying HCI or even
developing a GUI. Interfaces are only used so the TA can see if your
program works.

I think there is room for both types of schools.

But the trend seems to be an increase in the first type:
cross-disciplinary CS programs that take a broader view of
computing. In these schools HCI is a core component and is
introduced early in the curriculum.


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