[Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Tue Apr 8 19:58:39 EDT 2003

> From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On
> Behalf Of Michael Hinnant
> Well, I don't know about creating a standard, but I do remember
> seeing that same icon and "open in a new window" functionality on
> several search sites about 5 or 6 years ago... I think it was on
> HotBot and maybe AltaVista?

I prefer the text indicators used by:


Unlike small icons (which quickly lose their legibility in a high
resolution display), text indicators scale very well. Vivisimo offers
various ways of opening a window:

"[New Window]" opens a window using whatever OS configuration.

"[Full Window]" opens a window in full screen.

"[Preview]" open a window within the result listing. Very handy for
quick scan and comparison. You don't have to keep dozens of separate

You can configure Vivisimo's output via:



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