[Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

Jon Hanna jon at spin.ie
Mon Apr 7 14:53:22 EDT 2003

> After all this time, I find it humorous to see Yahoo! come full circle and
> focus once again on doing what it did best back in '95.
> Killer app of the day?:
> "Open in New Browser Window: Click on this icon to view individual results
> in a new window, while keeping your search results page open."
> Love it...someone over there finally took note of how people really <use>
> search results.  It's all about hunting and gathering, and losing your
> search results page every time you want to further explore a
> particular link
> has been a real drag for most power-users.

Surely "power-users" know that holding down shift does that with normal
links on most browsers (and know the equivalent for whatever browser they do

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