[Sigia-l] white paper: "The Top 25 Things Every Content Mana gement Vendor Should Know About What their Customers Want"

Alain di95jcq34a9pvj001 at sneakemail.com
Fri Apr 4 12:31:33 EST 2003

> From: Todd R.Warfel <lists at mk27.com>
> This is something we've seen quite often in usability testing. When 
> items request/require an email address, they wonder why. They fear the 
> email address will be given away and they'll start getting as much junk 
> mail in the email box as they do in their mailbox at home. Average 
> users aren't savvy enough to try fake addresses or phone numbers. 
> They'll leave them blank first. Then they'll often either grumble about 
> entering their information (if it doesn't explain why it's necessary) 
> or leave.

Recently even had a testuser who didn't had a (private) e-mail.

> Typically, it's only the savvy users that enter fake data (e.g. email 
> or phone).

I will avoid entering a real e-mail, if possible t at t.com
and I sometimes use a sneakemail.com one which gives
me a good control.

Asking it gives me a bad feeling about the website. 

Alain Decamps

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