[Sigia-l] Findability is dead, Long live ummm... Meaning?

Matt Jones matt at blackbeltjones.com
Wed Apr 2 08:41:10 EST 2003

On 2/4/03 5:40 am, "George Olsen" <golsen.wlist at pobox.com> wrote:

> On 3/30/03 7:17 AM, "christina wodtke" <cwodtke at eleganthack.com> wrote:
>> If we as IA's take apart content, removing it from
>> structure, and chunk it into data bites, then repurpose it, what becomes of
>> the satisfying whole of a page that a writer normally crafts?
> I'm sure Mark Bernstein would disagree, but this is was major reason
> interactive fiction (at least that I saw through the mid-90s) really sucked.
> It was intellectually interesting at times, but usually unsatisfying -- sort
> of like that Harold Pinter play that runs in reverse.
> The folks who came from videogaming (like the seminal Chris Crawford) did
> better in this regard -- they changed the emphasis to creating an
> environment in which users could create their own stories. But that approach
> ran into the same problem: they were missing that sense of possibilities
> becoming probabilities becoming inevitabilities that makes traditional
> narrative satisfying.

You might be interested in jessica hammer's work on interactive narrative


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